Mental health

Mental and Physical Wellbeing

As a solicitor, you strive to help people with their problems. But what happens when you need help?


We know solicitors are not made of steel. If you are struggling it’s ok to ask for help.


Challenges to mental health and emotional wellbeing affect one in four people every year. Even mild issues can have a significant impact on day-to-day life.


We are also there for those living with disabilities or long-term health issues no matter if the issue is new or something that has been impacting your ability to work for some time.

Man on Laptop

Mental health and wellbeing


We recognise the huge importance of good mental health and wellbeing. Help and support can be available via the NHS or through your firm’s Employee Assistance Programme (EAP). However, we know that demand for support such as counselling services can be very high, with long waiting lists.


We are piloting a new project to provide fast access to clinical assessments, to help determine the most appropriate therapy options (eg, CBT or EMDR). We can help fund the cost of therapy, as long as this is beyond the means of the person asking us for help.

Emotional support from LawCare


We fund our sister charity LawCare to make sure you can access the support you need when you need it.


LawCare offers a free, confidential emotional support service to all legal professionals, their support staff and families in the UK, Channel Islands and Isle of Man. The team is there to listen, with helpline calls, emails and webchats answered in confidence by trained staff and volunteers who have first-hand experience of working in the law. It also has a network of peer supporters.


If you need to talk call LawCare’s free, independent and confidential helpline on 0800 279 6888, email or visit


Visit LawCare website

Physical health or disability


If you are living with long term health issues or with a disability, besides ongoing financial support, we may be able to help with additional needs or the costs of items not available through the NHS or your local authority. These could range from support for additional therapy to mobility aids or adaptations to your home to make life a little easier.

What do you need our help with?

Join The Solicitors’ Charity Register.

Want to know more about The Solicitors’ Charity Register?

We simply want to connect with as many solicitors as we can so that we can help them in times of need, promote our work and create a more resilient profession. When you sign up, we commit to not sharing your information. We will send you occasional emails and you can choose when and how you hear from us in your personal settings at the bottom of any of the emails from us. For more information on our approach to data, please click here to read our Privacy Policy.

Now tell us your email and job title.

Finally, please tell us your address so we can deliver your pack to you.

Take action.