Mental Health Awareness Week The Solicitors' Charity

It’s good to talk – so talk to us: Mental Health Awareness Week


It’s good to talk – so talk to us: Mental Health Awareness Week

It’s good to talk – so talk to us


Anxiety is a distressing but normal reaction for most people – in times of personal stress, work pressure or financial hardship, we can all struggle to keep going. Increasing people’s understanding of anxiety is the focus for this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week, from 15 to 21 May. Whether it’s a professional or a personal concern, it helps to have somebody there who will listen. 


We’ve been supporting solicitors across England and Wales during times of crisis since 1858. Our empathetic caseworkers are there to listen, and talk things over, with solicitors who are feeling anxious, depressed or overwhelmed, as they seek to find practical solutions together to the challenges solicitors are facing. 


We also work in partnership with LawCare, the mental wellbeing charity which provides free, confidential emotional support to legal professionals. In 2022, we funded access to LawCare for mental wellbeing support for 276 solicitors. 27% of the total number of solicitors who contacted us with a chronic health condition in 2022 had mental health issues. You can find out more about this in our recent Big Report. 


Elizabeth Rimmer, CEO of Lawcare, said:

“We understand life in the law and all its challenges – this is what makes our support service unique as all our support calls, chats and emails are responded to by trained staff and volunteers who have first-hand experience of working in the law. We are here to listen and offer emotional support; we provide a safe space for people to talk without judgement. 


We can help with issues including anxiety, stress, depression, addiction, bereavement, and problems at work. 


By working in partnership with The Solicitors’ Charity we can help solicitors get their lives back on track.” 


LawCare can help with issues including anxiety, stress, depression, addiction, bereavement, and problems at work. The Solicitors’ Charity can also fund access to mental health assessment and treatment through our partner, OneBright 


We’re doing great things to make a real positive difference to legal professionals during their tough times. So, if you’re struggling, please get in touch. 

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