Festive Stress The Solicitors' Charity

Our gift to you – support for coping with festive stresses and strains


Our gift to you – support for coping with festive stresses and strains

There’s no denying it – while Christmas for many is celebrated as a time of joy and goodwill, it also brings its fair share of stresses too. It’s a busy round of social events and family get-togethers – but aside from the tinsel and fizz, there’s added pressure to get through a demanding workload before taking a well-earned festive holiday break. 


In the legal world, work-related stress, demands, deadlines and excessive hours behind the desk can cause exhaustion and lead to depression and burnout. Mental health issues are widespread in the profession, affecting 92% of solicitors at some time during their careers – and added pressures during the winter holiday season can exacerbate this situation. 


Understandably, solicitors want to spend quality time with their families and loved ones during the festive period, and a seasonal surge in work demands can make it difficult for them to strike a healthy balance between personal and professional commitments. 


Struggling to keep your head above water this festive season? The Solicitors' Charity can help


It’s crucial to prioritise mental wellbeing and for all legal firms to provide support systems for their solicitors. Encouraging open communication with colleagues and managers; promoting self-care practices and healthy lifestyle choices; giving access to mental health support and offering flexible work arrangements can be a lifeline for those feeling overwhelmed. 


Not managing chronic workplace stress must not be an option. If we want to improve the current situation and create a more resilient and thriving legal community, now is the time to take control. 

Burnout isn’t inevitable – at The Solicitors’ Charity, we offer access to help solicitors suffering mental health issues to manage their work-life balance before it gets out of control. 


We work closely with our partner LawCare, the mental health charity for the legal sector. It offers free, confidential, emotional support to anyone working in the law via a free helpline, online chat or email with peers who have worked in the law.


LawCare, Chief Executive, Elizabeth Rimmer said: “It is good to talk. You can get in touch with LawCare whether you’re having a bad day and just don’t feel yourself, or if your issue is longer lasting. All our volunteers and staff have worked in the law and understand the pressures that you face”.

Stressed solicitors in need of support can also seek digital information on the LawCare website, featuring helpful articles and The Legal Mind podcast. There are real-life stories from solicitors who have been supported by LawCare with a range of issues. LawCare has free online resources to help solicitors get back on track and a peer supporters’ programme offering one-to-one support. 

Our gift to you - support for coping with festive stresses and strains - The Solicitors' Charity


LawCare is open weekdays from 9am to 5pm, excluding Bank Holidays, and can be contacted by emailing support@lawcare.org.uk or calling: 0800 279 6888.


The Solicitors’ Charity also offers direct referrals to Onebright for psychological support and talking therapy sessions. If you have other challenges this Christmas, get in touch with us at The Solicitors’ Charity.


We can also offer support to solicitors and their dependents with access to money management and benefits advice services, career counselling, and free legal advice around employment or disciplinary issues, provided by our expert partners. 

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